We welcomed our Rotary International District Governor, Kelly Drew.
Kelly began her presentation expressing her “love” for Rotary, and how important our 4-Way Test is to our organization. She believes we all joined Rotary for a wide-variety of reasons, but to stay, we have to find the various ways Rotary can enhance our lives through service and fellowship.
She then shared that Rotary has been a part of her life since childhood. She remembered playing cards with her Rotarian grandfather; her father, a farmer, dressing up in a three-piece suit to go talk with other men about helping the community; and Christmas shopping with her mother to buy gifts for those in need. This was probably the first service project she did for Rotary.
When she was in her mid-thirties, she was diagnosed with a stage III cancer.  During this trying time and found out how kind Rotarians were: babysitting her 11/2 year-old daughter, buying groceries and rides to treatment centers. Kelly considers Rotary her second family.  Rotary…her fellow Rotarians touched her heart.  They lifted her up and helped her get through a tough time.
She continued by telling us about Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President, whose theme,The Magic of Rotary, offers the following advice for improving the health of local clubs: make your club irresistible– engage and take care of your members; head for the future and master change; ask members what they want; and tell your Rotary story from the heart and with passion.  She shared that President Stephanie chose this theme from her memories of a Rotary Foundation service project in Africa.  The project was the installation of sand filters to purify water.  Children were memorized by the change that happened to the water as it was filtered.  They asked if they couldn’t see the magic again, and again.
Kelly talked reviewed RI’s Action Plan that asks us to focus on engaging members in service; expanding our reach By becoming a more welcoming place for people to connect, grow, and lead change; determining how we can make a bigger impact on our communities at home and around the world, and the importance of constantly adapting to changing times.
Kelly shared that many members don’t know that Rotary has a seat at the United Nations. Annually there is a Rotary Day at the UN.
She reviewed some of the resources that are available to clubs from our Rotary District, from membership resources; to youth service (youth exchange, RLYA, Speech Contest, Interact, Rotaract); Friendship Exchanges; Rotary Foundation District and Global Grants; and a new Learning Resource Center that can be found on the District 7850’s web page.
She encouraged all members to sign-up for My Rotary.  The member area on the Rotary International web page.
Kelly ended her talk sharing that she is an avid supporter of the Rotary Foundation.  It brings her great joy knowing she can touch someone in the world that she will never know, and they will never know her, but they will know their lives were touched by Rotary.  We were reminded that it is more important than ever to support our Polio Eradication initiatives.
Kelly Drew Bio:
Kelly Drew, District Governor 2024-25.
As a third generation Rotarian, Kelly was born with Rotary in her blood. After graduating with a BA in Business Management at New Hampshire College, she began a career in commercial lending at a statewide bank. Kelly joined Rotary the same year that she was promoted to Assistant Vice President. A few years later, she saw a need to help small start-ups and offered assistance in drafting business plans. She then joined her family’s construction company, sliding into the office manager position while working alongside her brothers – one a former Rotarian.
Kelly is currently a member of the Rotary Club of North Conway in District 7850. She is a three-time Club President and has chaired many committees in various capacities such as International Service, Fundraising, Community Service and Youth Services to name a few.