About Our Club
Our Mission Statement – Our goal is to develop the next generation of leaders through our support of our youth programs both in Lebanon and around the world.
Established 1923
25 years….50 years……75 years …..and we are approaching 100 YEARS
Ninety-seven years of meals, songs, meeting places and service projects. Now we are down to only doing service projects because of the COVID-19 virus. That is fitting since way back in 1905 Rotary chose as their first service project creating a public toilet in Chicago!
Let me count the various meeting places we had these past years:
We started out at the Hotel Rogers and met there for 19 years. Then it was on to the Carter Community Building. During some summers while at each of these venues we met at the Carter Country Club and had a few meetings at the Nu-Bridge Restaurant. For many years thereafter we me at Lander’s Restaurant. After Lander’s we met at several different including the Owl’s Nest Restaurant and a Chinese Restaurant before settling in at the Dwinell Room at the Harvest Hill Senior Living Complex.
Now on to the many service projects and donations:
I would like to start with our current (2020-21) projects which include scholarships for Lebanon High School and The Hartford Vocational School; first grade readers personalized for individual students; preparation of meals for the community at six Listen Dinners; quarterly food drives for listen; helping at Holiday Basket Helpers; set-up for a community Christmas Dinner; and staging the Mask-up NH event with the Hanover Rotary Club.
The following projects were not all of those undertaken each year but, we only included them once for brevity:
- The 25 Anniversary was held on May 13, 1948 at the Lower Town Hall. The cost of the meal as $2.00
- The 50 Anniversary was held on October 25, 1973 at Landers Restaurant The cost of the meal was $10.00
- The 75 Anniversary was held on May 9, 1998 at the Raddison Hotel in West Lebanon, NH (now Fireside Inn and Suites)
- 100 Anniversary tentatively to be held May 13, 2023 at TBD
Our club chartered the Hanover Rotary Club on April 23, 1925. It also chartered the Lebanon-Riverside (breakfast) Club on April 6, 1990. It merged back with the Lebanon Club on June 30, 2018.
President’s Greeting
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lebanon
Last May we celebrated our 100th anniversary with the establishment of Harmony Park in the center of Lebanon.
As Rotarians, we continually seek ways to make our community a better place, both locally and internationally.
Our current projects include:
- Cleaning up the Mascoma River
- Supporting reading programs in local schools and libraries
- Raising funds through our annual Brewfest at Colburn Park
- Serving dinners at Listen Community Services and helping out at the Senior Center
- Raising funds through the Bedell Golf Classic
- Organizing Styrofoam collection with Sustainable Lebanon
- Supporting eradication of Polio and saving millions of lives
- Supporting agriculture in Kenya
- Cleanup Riverside Park along Glenn Road
- Help with Flu clinics
- And many more
Every Thursday we meet for lunch at noon time in the Dwinell Room at Harvest Hill behind the APD Hospital. There we host a wide array of engaging speakers who enlighten and inspire us.
Sounds interesting? Come and join us for lunch and see what Rotary is all about. You would like more info, simply email us at lebanon.nh.rotary@gmail.com.
Ernst Oidtmann
President 2024-2025
Rotary Club of Lebanon, New Hampshire
Meeting Schedule
Join Our Next Meeting!
We will be meeting every Thursday at noon.
We now have hybrid meetings. In person at the Dwinell Room at Harvest Hill on the Campus of Alice Peck Day Hospital, OR join us via Zoom.

Our Members
William Babineau, Northeast Mailing Systems *
Marilyn Bedell, Retired – Nurse Administrator *
Ronald Bedell, Retired – Travel Agent *
Bruce Bergeron, Jake’s Market and Deli *
Michelle Buck, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center *
Philip Bush, Sustainable Lebanon
Dean Cashman, Mascoma Savings Bank *
David Clarenbach, Foremost Builders
Henry Clarke, Retired – Mascoma Savings Bank *
David Crandall, Twin Pines Housing
James Damren, Colby Insurance Group. *
Edward Friedman, Trumbull-Nelson Construction Co
Joy M Gobin, Lebanon High School – SAU 88
Tim Guaraldi, Guaraldi Insurance, LLC *
Ahmad H. Haidari, Software Executive/Business Development Consultant
William Koppenheffer, Retired – Attorney *
Jane Mason, Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) *
Ronald Michaud, Retired – West Central Behavoral Health *
Shaun Mulholland, City of Lebanon
Daniel Nash, Advanced Geomatics and Design, LLC *
Angela Nelson, AM Peisch
Sharmila Karki Niroula, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Ernst Oidtmann, MD, PHF, Retired – Family Health Center *
V. Bruce Pacht, Retired – Executive Director Non-Profit *
Curtis Payne, Curtis Payne Attorney at Law
Philip Rentz, Service Credit Union *
William Secord, nonZero.solutions *
Marion Steiner, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust *
Rich Wallace, Valley News *
Richard Wallace, Retired – Omer and Bob’s *
Stephen Whitman, S&W Investment Co., LLP *
Caleb Wolfe, Emma’s Garden
John Yacavone, Retired – NorthEast Mailing Systems LLC *
Honorary Member:
Mansfield “Jimmy” Brock, Hamilton, Bermuda, Retired – Colonial Group Insurance
Help Support The Lebanon Rotary Club's Work Throughout the World
Find out more about our club, attend a future meeting, or become a member!
Meeting Info
We will be meeting every Thursday at noon.
We now have hybrid meetings. In person at the Dwinell Room at Harvest Hill on the Campus of Alice Peck Day Hospital, OR join us via Zoom.