Our speaker was John Fenley from SPARK.
John Fenley was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor at the age of three which required brain surgeries to successfully remove. Though the resulting brain injury created obstacles to overcome, John strives to define himself by his abilities rather than his disabilities. John had the honor of serving as President of People First of New Hampshire from 2012 to 2018. He is currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer. He was also appointed to the Council on Developmental Disabilities during those years. In 2013 he became a founding member of the Self Advocacy Leadership Team (SALT) a group of advocates that addresses key issues faced by people with disabilities. Through his involvement in these organizations, John has had many opportunities to testify at the NH State House.
John Fenley
John currently serves on the Disability Health Advisory Work Group (DHAWG) in coordination with the Institute On Disability (IOD) through the University of New Hampshire. In 2014, John founded a non-profit community center in Lebanon, NH called Spark! Community Center. He named it so because as he says, “Everyone has a ‘spark’ worth sharing.” He works as Community Outreach Coordinator for the center and teaches fun classes. John also uses his “spark” of cartooning and graphic design to reach community participants with colorful, eye-catching event yers, often using his mascot creation “Sparky the Spark-plug.” He loves using his art to assist in advocacy as well, having created new logos for People First of New Hampshire and SALT. John believes that a message always shines through when it has graphics to back it up. Sometimes a drawing says it better than any words could. John has made it his calling to speak openly and passionately about his experiences in the hope that it might inspire others to join the disability rights movement.
John was proudly wearing his Paul Harris Fellow pin that was present to him by our Rotary Club several years ago.
John was joined today by colleague at SPARK, Keoki Johnson, and SPARK Board of Director President, Allison Flint.
John spent time sharing why SPARK was established and how it is of benefit to everyone in our community.
The team at SPARK believes  believe in an integrated society where everyone is valued for their abilities rather than their disabilities. Their core philosophy is that everyone has a hidden talent or gift worth sharing with the world, a “spark” if you will. Spark welcomes all community members to take part in a variety of programs, classes and events as well as use the many different opportunities available at Spark.
Spark!’s MISSION is to provide a welcoming place where the lives of all persons of differing abilities are enriched through a sense of community.

Their VISION is to be a vibrant center that embraces a diverse, integrated community where all participants are inspired to realize their fullest potential.

Their PURPOSE is to serve as a drop-in community center where individuals with special needs can feel welcome at all times and find social and educational programming that focuses on independence, encouraging participants to lead happy and fulfilling lives within the Upper Valley.  Volunteer and mentoring opportunities at Spark! allow members of the entire community to engage with a diverse group of individuals.

In addition to the money that is needed to maintain the programs at SPARK, they are constantly looking for volunteer that can engage a wide variety of participants in activities.
If you have a idea for a program for SPARK or would be willing to join their Board of Directors, reach out to the staff and share when you can help. Spark! Community Center, Inc., 59 Hanover Street #4, Lebanon, NH 03766, 603-678-8619, director@sparkcommunitycenter.org
Here’s a sampling of events that happen at SPARK.
SPARK Board President, Allison Flint